New Orleans Bound Nick Tetz Continues To Chase Seeded Spot on the Unleash The Beast
By: Covy Moore Wednesday, March 15, 2023 @ 7:23 AM

Nick Tetz returns to the Unleash The Beast this weekend in New Orleans, Louisiana. Photo: Andy Watson/Bull Stock Media.
AIRDRIE, Alta. – Nick Tetz is flying high after a sixth-place finish this past weekend at the Unleash The Beast event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
While it was Kaique Pacheco who rode supreme to collect the victory, 2022 PBR Canada Champion Tetz was ecstatic to convert his two-event PBR Unleash The Beast opportunity into points and momentum heading into this coming weekend’s event in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Covering Death Warrant for 87 points in Round 1, followed by an 82-point re-ride outing on Mike’s Effect, Tetz walked away with 38.5 points in the race for the 2023 PBR World Championship.
“It was nice to get that call to get that opportunity,” Tetz said. “It’s cool to have made it in a real spot, not an alternate call up, made it in the cut. I have two events guaranteed to me, and two shots to make as many points as I can to stay on those UTB events.”
“I will keep it going the way I have been doing it so far to accomplish those goals I set out this year.”
Fresh off a PBR Canada Cup Series win in Lethbridge, Alberta, at the start of the month, Tetz says the momentum is certainly helping with confidence heading to all the new places the elite tour brings him.
“Lethbridge wasn’t easy, it was comfortable. It's a building I know how to get around, I know where to park, how to get into the arena, where sports med is. I think it’s more about that. Being comfortable with all the surroundings helps keep a guy’s nerves down.”
“You are also with all the guys you’ve done this with the last six years with,” Tetz added. “But you can't stay in your comfort zone forever.”
With one more guaranteed opportunity, Tetz says he has looked at the standings and feels he knows how many points a rider will need to earn to maintain that spot on the coveted premier series, but says he isn’t letting that type of pressure impact how he approached his bulls.
“I think I need to find about 120-130 points total,” Tetz explained. “It’s a big ask, but there is no reason why you can't accomplish that when you go out and ride all your bulls. I am not going to worry about it like that.”
“You can't be planning it out like that, there are 35 other guys riding just as good as you with different matchups. You just have to go out there, stay on, give them hell and the rest will take care of itself.”
The only real challenge the Calgarian is finding in his opportunities towards a PBR World Finals berth is travel.
“The biggest challenge so far this season has been travelling. The travelling takes the fun out of it sometimes, and it’s not always as easy hopping in a van with four of my buddies and heading to the next one and having a good time.”
“It feels more like a business trip,” Tetz continued. “I just have to remind myself this is bull riding and I just need to show up and do my job and the rest will take care of itself.”
This weekend however, with New Orleans on the itinerary, Tetz is excited to see some of the historic parts of America.
“I feel lucky being able to get to go and travel all over the U.S. and Canada and see the places I have seen already. It’s unreal,” Tetz said.
“I am excited to go to New Orleans, but also not excited because I found out that New Orleans is one of the most haunted places in North America. I am not too big of a fan of that type of stuff, but luckily my girlfriend likes that type of stuff and is going to be coming down on that trip with me. I know she will have a good time, and that will take the pressure off, and we can go hang out and have fun.”
Tetz is surrounded with loving support, and when asked which event he hopes to bring his mom June to, his eyes are on one destination. Texas.
“She is the babysitter for the dog when we leave,” Tetz laughed.
“I would like to bring her down, but none of these ones. I think I would like to bring her down to Texas for the World Finals if we can make that happen.”